Field Name Book description from 1838/1839 noted by the surveyors who produced the O.S maps originally.
B.S.S.M. : 9
Bun na Folastrann , bottom of the flaggers.
- Bunnafollistrann : J. 0’Donovan
- : Tithe Ledger
- Monnyfalestron : Co. Cess Collector
- Monnyfallestron : Meresman
- Moneyfolistron : presentments 1837
- Glencorrib-fane : Rental
In the north side of the parish. It is bounded on the N. by the parish of Cong ; E. by the td. of Mocorha; S. by the td. of Ballisnahyny East; and W. by the td. of Ballynalty.
Historical & Archaeological features
NOTE :: This is on private property , owner must give permission for access.
Ecology & Habitats