Sportsfield Souvenir_26 June 1983 Shrule Community Sports field was opened in 1983 . This is the souvenir magazine sold to commemorate the event . Glencorrib Sportsfield Souvenir_14 June 1981 Glencorrib Community Sports field was opened in 1981 . This is the souvenir magazine sold to commemorate the event .
A Profile of Shrule in 2000
A very professional Community Profile from the millenium year 2000. Click on images to get full size image ….. Shrule2000_Profile
Penny Journal from 1833
The Dublin Penny Journal (Vol1 N.33 Feb 9th 1833) – The Dublin Penny Journal was a weekly newspaper, and later series of published volumes, originating from Dublin, Ireland, between 1832 and 1836. Published each Saturday, by J. S. Folds, George Petrie and Caesar Otway,[1] the Penny Journal concerned itself with matters of Irish history, legend,…
Publications added this week
Added today Scanned articles from The Mantle relating to the history of Shrule Some copies of The Bridge , published in the early 1990s by Willie McHugh Two christmas annual newsletters from Glencorrib If you have any publications like these please let us know @